

February Nitrox Specialty The PADI Enriched Air Specialty will help you extend your dive times and allow you to get back in the water sooner. During the class, you will learn diving with “Nitrox” gives you more bottom time. You will also learn about the equipment considerations associated with enriched air diving. You will also lear... Find Out More

Scuba Olympics Think you're the fastest? The most graceful? Maybe just the most ambitious and spirited? Join us to compete in some fun, wacky underwater challenges with your fellow divers! All skill levels welcome. Our top three medalists will be awarded prizes! Date: March 15th - Signup before March 12th! Entry Fee: $... Find Out More

March Altitude Specialty Our local dive site at Blue Hole in Santa Rosa, NM is an altitude dive site. Everyone who dives at altitude should know how to safely participate in a dive. The PADI Altitude Diver Specialty gives you the information needed to plan and execute a dive at altitude. You will learn about the effects of pressure at altitude... Find Out More

March DSMB Specialty Boats and currents are two common factors associated with many dive sites. Boaters don't always recognize that divers are in the area and current can carry you further than expected. Launching a delayed surface marker buoy (DSMB) before you surface can alert others to your location in advance of your asce... Find Out More

March Seminar - Computer Integration Let's talk through the differences in dive computers and integrateable dive logging software! Find Out More

April Seminar - Specialties Come and learn what you can get out of all the different specialties! Find Out More

April Wreck Diving with Westerfield There are hundreds of wrecks around the world to be explored. The PADI Wreck Diver Specialty will provide knowledge and safety considerations for navigating and exploring wrecks. Additionally, you will learn how to use penetration lines to guide exploration and techniques to avoid kicking up silt to maintain visibility... Find Out More

Perch Lake CleanUp Join us in cleansing Perch Lake of the season's litter! The event fee includes a certification in PADI's Dive Against Debris. Date: April 27th - Signup before April 24th! Entry Fee: $50 Location: Perch Lake Find Out More

May Full Face Mask Specialty Working divers, such as public safety divers, use full face masks because they protect the eyes and nose from contaminants in the water, provide comfort in cold water, and allow for communication. If you’re interested in public safety diving, scientific diving, or venturing into extremely cold water, then learnin... Find Out More

May Seminar - Rescue Diving Meet some of New Mexico's Rescue diver team, and learn some helpful self-rescue strategies! Find Out More

June Seminar - Travel Rewards Come and learn how rewarding travel can be when you approach it with some insider knowledge on how benefits/loyalty programs and airlines talk. Find Out More

June Navigation Specialty Knowing where you are and where you are going is a useful skill. The Underwater Navigator specialty will fine-tune your observation and navigation skills. The course also will provide information pertaining to the more accurate use of a compass underwater. During three dives you will learn methods for measuring distanc... Find Out More

July Seminar - Tec Diving Get technical with our tec diving professionals! Learn about the benefits, prerequisites, and practical applications of tec diving via backmount and sidemount. Find Out More

July Deep Specialty Even with plenty to see above 60 feet, deep dives can provide excitement when exploring deeper dive sites. The Deep Diver Specialty will provide you with the ability and knowledge to safely dive to 130 feet. During the course, you will learn what specialty equipment you may need and how to plan for a deep dive with you... Find Out More

August Seminar - Accessories Ever wonder what you're missing out on when someone pulls out a colorful stick or noisy quacker? Join us to learn which accessories we don't dive without! Find Out More

August Search and Recovery The next time someone loses an item underwater, you can be the hero that finds the missing object. In the PADI Search and Recovery course, you’ll learn how to find lost objects underwater. You’ll practice different types of underwater search patterns and learn how to use a lift bag as you plan and execut... Find Out More

September Seminar - Travel Boldly Learn what it takes to prepare for our trips, and what we have in store for the coming years!  Find Out More

September Peak Buoyancy Having great buoyancy control is the number one skill for a successful scuba diver. The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty will build on skills you learned during your Open Water Certification. During two dives, you will fine-tune the exact weight you need to hover effortlessly. You will trim your weight system b... Find Out More

October Seminar - Lights Why would you need different light mounts, lumens, beam colors and sizes? Why would you buy a canister? Join us to learn what makes sense for your diving.  Find Out More

Halloween Dives Join us for our annual Halloween Dives! Sign up for the event to join-in on the potluck, pumpkin carving competition, and dives at Blue Hole! Our top three placers will walk away with prizes! If you want to become certified underwater pumpkin carvers and spooky night divers, add those on at check out! Yes, those are re... Find Out More

November Seminar - Underwater Photography Come learn what it takes to get quality photos out of your dives and into your homes! Find Out More

December Seminar - DEMA in Review We will share what we saw at DEMA (annual travellers/diving convention) - what we were most excited by and what we walked away with to start offering in store! Find Out More

December Photography Specialty Take your underwater photography to the next level with the PADI Digital Underwater Photographer course in Albuquerque, NM. Learn to capture vibrant, professional-quality photos of the underwater world that you’ll be proud to share with friends and family. This course helps you avoid common beginner mistakes and... Find Out More
